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- Who Needs AI-powered Spectacles? 👓 Plus, TikTok’s Secret GPU Maker Revealed! 🖥️
Who Needs AI-powered Spectacles? 👓 Plus, TikTok’s Secret GPU Maker Revealed! 🖥️
Plus, a new list of AI tools
AI Riddle:
I am a traveler that never moves, pointing the way but without intent.
I have no thoughts, yet I guide millions.
I wear a face but have no eyes.
I am rooted to the spot but span the globe.
What am I?
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Today’s Motive:
👓️ Snaps new AR Spectacles, a life changing AI tool or just another flop?
🤖 TikTok’s big plan to produce their own GPUs.
🖼️ Google is taking their first steps to curb deepfakes. Will it be enough?
🤑 Checkout the latest AI deals below. 💸
🛠️ Have a look at our AI tools at a glance section.
🚀🕶️ Will Snap forever change AR with their new Spectacles?
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🕶️ Snap has unveiled its fifth-generation augmented reality Spectacles, featuring an enhanced display, improved performance, and longer battery life. For more information follow link here.
The new Spectacles are not available for purchase but are offered to AR developers through a rental program for $99 per month with a minimum one-year commitment.
Snap CEO Evan Spiegel emphasizes a drive for innovation and exploring potential use cases for AR glasses.
The fifth-generation Spectacles have improved display quality, richer colors, and boast a 46-degree field of view. Up from 26.3 from the previous version.
The glasses are controlled through hand gestures and voice commands.
The Spectacles are powered by Two Qualcomm Snapdragon processors and two infrared sensors scan movement in front of the glasses.
The Motive:
Paying approximately 1200$ a year to rent a pair of AI glasses seems excessive considering the charge lasts just over half an hour, but the team at Snap feels like this is a positive move for the company.
On review, some users claim the response is a little slow and glitchy at times, and the glasses look ridiculous. There’s a great full length review done by Alex Heath from theverge.com, check it out here.
Other tech companies, such as Google, Meta, and Apple, are investing substantial resources into the development of AI spectacles.
I, for one, have no use for a pair of AI glasses and can't comprehend a world where I do. Trying out AR glasses was fun for an afternoon but it stopped there. There is no real practicality to them in everyday life.
One day we may live in a world where AI glasses are commonplace to a cell phone in the pocket, but augmented reality with AI-powered glasses seems like a distant daydream.
If these glasses offered features such as zoom, night vision, and X-ray vision, I would be interested; until then, I will continue to monitor product updates.
Today’s top AI tool at a fraction of the price.
image provided from oncely.com
See oncely.com for more deals on AI tools.
🖥️ TikTok is gearing up to produce their own chips by 2026
Image created in Midjourney
💃 ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok, is taking significant steps toward producing its own AI chips to reduce reliance on outside manufacturers. For further reading follow this link.
ByteDance has partnered with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) to design its own AI chips.
This move aims to reduce ByteDance's reliance on Nvidia GPUs, which are subject to U.S. export regulations.
ByteDance's chip production is expected to be online by 2026 and could save the company billions of dollars.
The Motive:
Nvidia’s dominance in the GPU market has fueled its meteoric rise, leading many investors to predict its ascent as one of the world's largest companies. But, as one rises, others will soon follow.
China's frustration over chip demand and government intervention is coming to a boiling point, so of course overseas companies are developing methods to fill the void.
There is a major demand for GPU production in Asia. The projected growth of humanoid robots in China signals a significant increase in GPU demand, further intensifying the need for cost-saving measures.
Overseas chip production will increase. The only question remains, will these new-to-market GPUs compare with Nvidia's?
AI Tools at a glance:
ArchiVinci: There is no longer a need for Interior Designers with this new AI tool. Design your own interior and exterior architectural designs with ArchiVinci.
Mathos: Need your own math tutor? try Mathos online AI tutor for simple to complex math problems.
Playground AI Image Generator: Need to create amazing AI images for free? Try playground.com for a robust set of free features.
🎏 Google’s effort to curb deepfakes, will it be enough?
image created in Midjourney
😄 Google aims at taking its first steps to curb deepfakes and flag AI image content. Will their efforts be enough? Further reading checkout this article, from techcrunch.com by Kyle Wiggers.
Google announced that it will begin flagging AI-generated and AI-edited images in Google Search results, Google Lens, and the Circle to Search feature on Android.
The initiative will rely on "C2PA metadata," a standard developed by the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA), to trace images created or altered using AI tools.
The effectiveness of the C2PA standard is subject to challenges such as adoption rates and interoperability issues, potentially limiting its broader impact.
The Motive:
Google's move is part of a broader effort to address the growing issue of deepfakes and the blurring of lines between authentic and AI-generated images, but few agree that these steps will have the effect needed.
Many worry about the easy C2PA image workarounds. The C2PA is an opt-in program showing the source information and history of an image.
Though major players like Adobe, Amazon, OpenAI, Microsoft, BBC, and Google have adopted the standard, many key platforms remain absent.
Google search flagging AI-created images is a first step in curbing deepfakes and misleading online content. Some argue this step does very little, but something is better than nothing.
AI Riddle Answer: A Compass.